Erasmus programok
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Erasmus programok
- 2024.03.18. – 2024.03.22. – diákcsere, Visegrádi Alap pályázat
Bialystok, Lengyelország 10 diák (11K, 11B, 9A, 9Ny)
téma: „Hogyan lehet diákbarát hely az iskola?” - 2024.05.06. – 2024.05.10. – „World Heritage Water” partnertalálkozó
Bursa, Törökország – 7 diák (10K)
téma: vízvédelem - 2024.05.27. – 2024.05.30. – „Join the Water Brothers and Sisters” partnertalálkozó
Slupsk, Lengyelország – 3 tanár
téma: vízvédelem - 2024.07.15. - 2024.08.02. – Szakmai gyakorlat
Spanyolország, Málaga – 7 diák (13C, 12C, 12B, 12K, 11K)
gépész (CAD-CAM, CNC)
szoftverfejlesztő -és tesztelő (informatikai eszközök karbantartása, javítása) - 2024.10.07. – 2024.10.11. – „Our Future is Up to Us” partnertalálkozó
Thesszaloniki, Görögország – 9 diák (12K, 12B, 11A)
téma: megújuló energiaforrások használata - 2024.10.07. – 2024.10.11. – „World Heritage Water” partnertalálkozó
Szófia, Bulgária – 8 diák (10K)
téma: vízvédelem - 2024.11.25 – 2024.11.29. - „Our Future is Up to Us” partnertalálkozó
Sosnowiec, Lenygyelország – 8 diák (13B, 13C, 11A, 10E, 10C)
téma: megújuló energiaforrások használata
Ganz Ábrahám Bilingual Secondary and Vocational School is located in Budapest, Hungary.The school has a long teaching and professional tradition. It was founded 125 years ago. It is named after Abraham Ganz, who was a Hungarian iron manufacturer, machine and technical engineer and entrepreneur in the 19th century. He founded Ganz Works, which manufactured tramcars, electric railways, ships, and bridge steel structures. The school provided high-quality professionals for the Ganz Works Company. In the 1990s the school’s profile changed. The bilingual program has been started, and Information Technology has been introduced. Since then more and more students have been learning Information Technology and there is an emphasis on language teaching.
There are approximately 450 students and 45 teachers in the school. The students are aged 15/21 and their main subjects are Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, English, German and Spanish. We have bilingual classes where our students learn History, Geography, and British Civilisation in English.
The first year is called the language preparatory year when apart from learning Information Technology, Maths, and Hungarian Literature, the students have 18 English lessons. They develop their speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills, as well as English grammar. By the end of the preparatory year, students reach B1 or B2 level in English. Then our students start learning German, History, Sciences and IT subjects such as programming, database management and networking. There are classes which learn mechanical engineering. At the end of the 12th grade students take their final exams in Maths, History, Hungarian literature, and English and in the 13Th grade they take professional exams in Information
Technology or Mechanical Engineering. They get a secondary school leaving certificate as well as professional qualifications as software developers and testers or mechanical engineering technicians with CAD-CAM specialisation. Then they can either go to work at IT companies or continue their studies at the University.
During the course of the study, there is an emphasis on providing up–to–date knowledge for students through high-quality teaching, as well as developing communication skills, cooperative skills, and digital skills of the students. Students are encouraged to be actively involved in their studies, set goals for themselves, and strive to achieve their goals.
The school is equipped with modern technical equipment. The majority of the classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and projectors. There are several IT laboratories with PCs and a classroom with tablets and a smartboard. Digital classrooms, interactive materials are frequently used for learning. Students are fond of digital applications such as Quizlet, Kahoot, Redmenta, and Learning Apps in learning.
Students become familiar with the use of Scratch, HTML, Python, SQL, Javascript, C#, Inventor, Autocad, and Edge Cam during their course of studies.
There is a focus on environmental awareness and the school has been awarded as an eco-school. Our goal is to prepare the students for the challenges of the 21st century so that they would become responsible, successful global citizens, who can contribute to society in national as well as international contexts.
Our school has experience in projects. Our school has participated in the Leonardo program and teachers from our school have taken part in Erasmus+ mobility programs. We have had partners from Belgium and
Turkey, Poland and Greece. We have also had student exchange programs with Slovenia, Romania and Slovakia sponsored by the Hungarian government. Providing students with intercultural experiences is very important so that they could be global citizens.
List of recent Erasmus projects:
2022-3-PL01-KA152-YOU-000092948 Tales about Humanity
2023-1-PL01-KA210-VET-000152562 Our Future is Up to Us
2023-1-HU01-KA210-SCH-00016457 6ssential Place of World Heritage Water in Education
2023-2-PL01-KA210-SCH-000176884 Join the Water Brothers and Sisters
2024-1-LV-01-KA220-VET-54D9FAEF EnterSTEAM
PIC: 923537486
OID: E10022490
Erasmus programok
- 2023.07.16-2023.08.12 - Szakmai gyakorlat
Spanyolország - Valencia - 18 diák (12E, 10K, 9K)
Szoftverfejlesztő és tesztelő (3D modelezés, Thinkercad, Arduion) - 2023.07.30-2023.08.27 - Szakmai gyakorlat
Ausztria - Bécs - 6 diák (11B, 11K, 10KC)
Szoftverfejlesztő és tesztelő (Weblapszerkesztés) - 2023.09.16-2023.10.08 - Szakmai gyakorlat
Franciaország - Annecy - 2 diák (11K)
Szoftverfejlesztő és tesztelő (Programozás) - 2023.09.08-2023.09.15 - Ifjúsági találkozó
Lengyelország - Poronin - 9 diák (12E, 11KC, 10A)
Szoftverfejlesztő és tesztelő és Gépész technikus
"Tales about Humanity" Erasmus ifjúsági program keretében diákjaink lengyel és szlovák diákokkal közösen pozitív emberi értékekkel teli történeteket alkottak.
We present the results (radio plays, a brochure and a collection of original stories based on native legends) created within the "Tales about humanity" project (project co-financed by the European Union) by its participants.